Only through experience, theories come alive, and make impact.

This blog follows the project Mountains Revisited: Theory in Practice, which strides through the unmapped fields between academic theory and artistic practice in context of complex geo-social concept of the mountains.

Follow our articles, poetry, music and other forms of academic/artistic research concerned with mountains!

The aim of this project is to revisit the ways through which we conceptualize mountains and to build bridges between diverse disciplines of cultural/literary studies and geography.

Our ultimate goal is to rewild the theory – take it outside of the institution walls into the mountains.

The research project strives to venture off the map of the contemporary approach to mountain spaces through fresh field research methods and the theory of affect and non-representational approach to human and physical geography. The key to the presented methods is a direct work with the landscape, its soundscape, and reflection on experience of being in the mountains.

New methods and theories shall contribute to better understanding, mediation and consequently sustainability of both cultural and natural mountain spaces for future generations.

© mountains revisited, 2022