I believe most of my research that I could share before a later stage has been mentioned in my previous blogpost. My focus being mountains in the video game medium in general it is impossible to truly outline research at its beginning.
Same is applicable to a list of scholarly articles of which there are few that deal with mountains in video game. This point, also, has been mentioned in my prior post. I wish to focus on my own research, taking into account the response of players, not scholars who have played a handful of games.
To merely paraphrase ideas of others in this research would be a disservice to my chosen subject. But to fulfill this requirement, the following are potential sources that I might use:
Wills, John. “Pixel Cowboys and Silicon Gold Mines: Videogames of the American West.” Pacific Historical Review 77, no. 2 (2008): 273–303. https://doi.org/10.1525/phr.2008.77.2.273.
Robinson, Nick, and Marcus Schulzke. “Visualizing War? Towards a Visual Analysis of Videogames and Social Media.” Perspectives on Politics 14, no. 4 (2016): 995–1010. http://www.jstor.org/stable/26315136.
Bogost, Ian. “The Abyss between the Human and the Alpine.” In How to Talk about Videogames, 150–59. University of Minnesota Press, 2015. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5749/j.ctt184qqnb.21.
Bedir, Selen Çalik. “(Re)Playing Anime: Building a Medium-Specific Approach to Gamelike Narratives.” Mechademia: Second Arc 12, no. 2 (2020): 45–61. https://doi.org/10.5749/mech.12.2.0045.
The specific methods as to my own research shall be following:
- Playing the games in an extensive or limited fashion
- Extensive time will be allocated to the major points of my research rather than to smaller, less important titles.
- Seeing the players’ responses at the time of release.
- Seeing the players’ response at present day
- Conducting an online survey of players of selected games
Finally this research shall be put together into a multi-media presentation the specifics of which are hard to commit to at present time.
P.S. I apologize for a delayed submission. Due to being ill last week it took me a bit longer to look through the listed sources and decide whether to include them or not.
One response to “Pixel Mountains 2: Electric Boogaloo”
Looks like a solid point of departure and a good preliminaliry list of sources.
It seems that your research could map the field and open an interesting discussion that is still largerly missing in the game studies.
I am curious where will the research take you concerning the work with media (sound, image) and affect.